Follow your joy and do what you love. Author, Louise Presley-Turner, reminds us that as busy as we all are, we must not put off doing what gives us joy. It is important to incorporate some pleasure into each and every day whether this is enjoying the sunshine in your [...] Read more »
Do the Memories You Replay Empower You or Limit You?
This article by Ian Lawton reminds me of a piece of poetry. It is saying something very big in a small space. You feel the urge to pick it apart to savor all its meanings. Like a black box in an airplane, Lawton explains, we tend to replay the crashes [...] Read more »
To Take Control or Surrender: Striking a Balance
Whenever we have goals, we want to do everything we can to ensure that we meet them. We want everything to go perfectly. We try to foresee all the obstacles and avoid them but when does taking control do more harm than good? In this article author, Lori Deschene, helps [...] Read more »
Opening to Our Spiritual Path
While sitting on the patio the other morning, I watched a large blue jay land on top of the fence. Nothing unusual for a beautiful morning; but as I watched him, I was suddenly struck with, what I call, one of those magical moments of grace. I looked at that blue jay and felt him, felt his spirit. In that instant I knew we were all part of one world of spirit and energy. I smiled and gave gratitude for that moment of magic. These are the times in our lives when we can recognize our spirituality, our oneness, our connection to the world, to the universe. These times can be as simple as watching a sunset over the ocean or as dramatic as watching a child come into the world. Read more »
How To Ease The Way Through Life’s Changes
Change is inevitable and, as Karen Sherwood explains in this article, there are ways we can learn to embrace it rather than fight against it. She suggests that we learn to stay present and avoid the tendency to constantly worry about the future or wallow in the regrets of the [...] Read more »
Feeling Like Your Life is Out of Balance? Here’s A New Perspective
I always love finding an article that takes something we all know, but looks at it from a new perspective. That’s what this article by Dr. Nick Campos does. Dr. Campos chooses to take a more balanced view of the “balanced life.” Most of us have heard that we should [...] Read more »
Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed? Learn How Routines and Rituals Can Enhance Your Life
I love this article by Debra Smouse. I’d never really thought about the difference between routines and rituals, but Debra clearly explains the differences and importance of having both in our lives. We often think of the routines in our lives as the list of dreary, never-ending must-dos. Here, however, [...] Read more »
Authenticity Through Meditation: It Only Takes a Minute
Every Sunday morning millions of people tune in to listen to Oprah Winfrey interview various people on her Super Soul Sunday. Her stated goal is to help people discover their authenticity. So what is authenticity? Webster’s Dictionary defines the work authentic to mean genuine, real, having an origin supported by unquestionable evidence. Read more »