Can Life Be Your Spiritual Practice?

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. – Swami Vivekananda

 As a dedicated meditator, yogini, runner, and knitter, I have explored integrating what I have learned from those practices into my everyday life. Our interests in life, those places that have us alive with burning curiosity-even if there are inherent challenges, cultivate both self awareness and qualities that permeate all areas of our life.

I have found that who I am as a runner (or any of my passions) is who I am as a mother, wife, healer and business woman. All aspects of our lives are interwoven. You are the expression of your Soul’s light through your human experience. Your training ground for that expression is through your passions. The qualities that I cultivated through the practice of meditation, yoga, running and knitting have helped me to become more present, clear, focused and enduring in all of my roles.

Our passions in life reveal to us the inner qualities that we are most curious about developing.nI would dare to say that our curiosities are our Soul’s way of guiding us, nudging us along our path. In this way our passions help us develop the qualities needed for our continued unfolding, our awakening.

Our passions teach us through direct experience. What we learn in one area of our life enlightens and transforms the whole of our life.  Direct experience connects us to our inner wisdom, our inner teacher.

Meditation and prayer are lovely, contemplative ways of connecting with our inner teacher, but the whisper of our inner teacher is available to us at all times – whether we are doing the dishes, playing, or projecting numbers for our businesses, struggling or achieving. Between deep listening and inspired action, we can live our lives as our spiritual practice.

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